Class Packs
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Drop-In session is intended for out of town, EXPERIENCED individuals that would like to participate in a CrossFit class. In addition this if for individuals that would like to attend a class without the commitment of a monthly membership.  Please arrive 15 minute early for class.  
Limit: 1 Class
Programs: CrossFit
Location: CrossFit Avalanche
From $0.00
Free Class
Free Trial class! Come check out CrossFit and see what it's all about.
Limit: 1 Classes
Programs: CrossFit
LocationsCrossFit Avalanche
On ramp one hour session
CrossFit Avalanche’s on-ramp program is a 1-day introductory course in which you will learn foundational movements, mechanics and methodology of CrossFit. It is designed to get you moving safely, efficiently, and effectively.  Upon completion of the 1-day course you will be ready for your on ramp month membership. 

During on-ramp, you will...
✓ Learn the basics of CrossFit in a fun and pressure-free setting.
✓ Meet some of our trainers & have all your questions answered.
✓ Discuss, in detail, your specific goals, abilities, and limitations/injuries.
✓ Develop mobility exercises and modifications that address your individual needs.
✓ Safely become acquainted with the intensity of CrossFit and strategize a plan to build on your own intensity level.
✓ Establish baselines for weightlifting movements.
✓ Leave feeling confident to take on any WOD offered at CrossFit Avalanche.
Limit: 1 Classes
Programs: CrossFit, On Ramp, Online programming access
LocationsCrossFit Avalanche